Paul George Suffers a Terrifying Broken Leg Injury in Team USA Showcase Scrimmage Blue vs. White: Watch the Video Here! Pray For Paul George
By BallersPinas
Real athletes give it their all whether in practice or in a regular game. Ask Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, LeBron James, and Derrick Rose, they will attest to that because they have the mentality to always go hard at everything they do. That's probably the same mentality that Paul George is trying to emulate.

During the Team USA Blue vs. White Showcase Scrimmage a while ago, Paul tried to block James Harden's lay-up, he went down hard with his right foot landing awkwardly, causing his leg to break. Oh my! It looks a lot like Kevin Ware's injury in last year's US NCAA Championship.
You have my respect PG. I will pray for your fast recovery. If Kevin Ware can recover, so can you. #PrayforPaulGeorge

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