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Remove Street Heat With Sprite: Street Heat, No Problem To Filipinos As They Obey Their Thirst With Sprite!

By Val Marvin Macanas

Summer Heat To The Highest Level!

Filipinos are ready to embrace the hottest Summer Heat ever. They are more than willing to do interesting stuffs in spite of the seemingly unending Summer Heat.

For the past few weeks, the temperature here in Manila has been ranging from 38-40 degree Celsius. It's getting hotter and hotter as the Summer of 2013 reaches its peak.

Well, if it's hot inside the houses here in the Philippines, more so on the Streets. The hottest Summer Heat ever can really be felt when you go out and roam on the streets of Manila because you take The Sun Rays head on.

But despite the overwhelming Summer Heat, Filipinos are still on the lookout for that perfect summer getaway.

Filipinos who long to experience summer adventure stop at nothing, but while they chase that much awaited summer getaway, their body responds to the intense Summer Heat.

The Intense Heat tend to extract the creative and dynamic juices of Filipinos who are out to enjoy the Heat of Summer. But how can they beat the Intense Heat?

Beat the Intense Heat With A Drink That Gives Instant Refreshment.

The Heat can make a person Thirsty. That’s one of the natural effects of exposing one's self to the Intense Heat of Summer. But, how do Filipinos Obey Their Thirst?

When one speaks about “Obeying Your Thirst” Filipinos associate it with Sprite because of its “Obey Your Thirst” tagline.

That Tagline gravitates a person to grab a bottle of Sprite.

How Sprite Does It

Good thing Sprite is aware of the intense heat that the millions of Filipinos are experiencing right now as what is depicted in the video below.

Watch this cool video and you'll see how Sprite took it straight to the street and cooled down one intensely hot day.

“Awesome” does not do this video justice. No special effects, no camera tricks. Sprite made the idea of refreshment tangible through the no- famous Sprite Fountain. I for one have never seen this kind of celebratory atmosphere happening right at the middle of the day with the heat at its peak and the streets at their busiest; Sprite reminded everybody why they should obey their thirst. You have to see this to believe it!- Jason Cruz, Director for Community Management of MRM Worldwide, the digital arm of McCann Manila.

I agree with my friend Jason. "The Sprite Fountain" video took drinking Sprite and the intense refreshment that it gives to a whole new level. I haven't seen a video like this. What a way to freshen up! Sprite really did an amazing job in staging something like this for the Filipinos who are experiencing the hottest summer ever.

For more info, you may visit  and like Sprite's Facebook Page:     https://www.facebook.com/Sprite?fref=ts