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James Harden Traded To Houston Rockets For Martin and Lamb: OKC Released Their 6th Man!

Just minutes ago, this news broke out on Twitter, OKC has finally decided to trade James Harden to the Houston Rockets in exchange for the dormant scoring machine Kevin Martin and the Rocket's top draft pick this year, Jeremy Lamb who's a star in UCONN.

Is it because of not having enough playing time or is it because of the Money indicated in the contract? Apparently, according to Thunder Rumblings Website, it is because of the amount of Money indicated in the contract offer of OKC.

The deal comes on the heels of negligible progress being made on a contract extension for Harden following nearly four months of negotiating. As a result, the Thunder parted ways with the fan favorite after stagnant talks made it clear Harden would be too much of a financial burden to keep.

OKC is willing to give Harden a 4 year extension approximately worth $52 million but Harden wants a Maximum Deal worth $60 million for the next four years. Thus, Houston came in and proposed a trade. They spoke to Harden's camp saying that they are willing to give him a Maximum Deal. Harden agreed.

Harden will be sent to Houston for Kevin Martin, rookie Jeremy Lamb, two first-round picks and a second-round pick. The Thunder is also sending center Cole Aldrich and guards Daequan Cook and Lazar Hayward to the Rockets,

Jeremy Lin, the newest acquisition of the Rockets reacted on the inevitable trade.

"Really sad to see Kmart and JLamb go...both class acts and great teammates. Welcome Harden, Cook, Aldrich and Hayward to Houston!!"
said Lin.

Lin will now have a teammate who's also good at running the pick-and-roll play in James Harden.