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Run United 2 Winners and Highlights: The Event Ended With A Bang As Runners Enjoyed Every Minute Of It!

I arrived at my designated area in MOA for the 10k event around 3:45 a.m.. At first, I thought that the runners will have a hard time in getting to the venue because of the rain, but I was wrong. The runners slowly increased in number as the minutes passed. The runners really braved the limit. They continued to flock in despite the pouring rain. Around 4:30 a.m. the runners were already coming in to assemble in the 10k gunstart area. Time continued to pass and I saw a consistent and significant increase in the number of runners for the 10k event. It seemed that despite the pouring rain the runners were still able to quickly locate their category areas. For me, the reason behind that is the well mapped venue and the strategically placed persons to assist the runners in finding their right location. The organizers really did an excellent job in making the start of the respective events as smooth as possible.

Before the start of the race, the host of the event, Mr. Anthony Suntay asked the runners to pause for a while and prepare for the singing of the Philippine National Anthem to be followed by a short but meaningful prayer. The runners looked very attuned to the the singing of the National Anthem and in saying the short prayer. The host then proceeded to introduced 2 guys that led the body stretchings which they considered to be an SOP before the gunstart. After the warm-ups, Mr. Suntay gave a few minute break. I think it was less than 5 minutes. And then another guy ascended to the stage carrying a small gun. Mr. Suntay gave the cue. "Runners, are you ready?" The runners immediately responded saying, " Yes, we are ready!" After 2 minutes, Mr. Suntay gave the cue for the gunstart. Lo and behold, the 10k race has begun! It started 5:30 a.m. sharp. The problem is that, I think, 15 or more runners were late, but they were given a chance to catch up with the rest of the pack.

Several minutes lapsed since the gun-start. I was patiently waiting at the finish line of the 10k event. After quite some time a Kenyan Runner appeared within the horizon. His name is Elliud Kering. He is the First Finisher of the Men's 10k Category with a very impressive 31:58:68 time.

The Kenyans dominated the 10k Men's Category as 2 more runners from their camp snagged the 2nd and 3rd place Finish. The one who got the 2nd place finish was David Kipsang with a 32:40 time and the 3rd Place Finish fell on the hands of Julius Kimuge with a 33:47 time.

For the 10k Women's Category the top 3 finishers were Miss Nhea Ann Barcena (44:23), Miss Genevieve De Lapena (46:38) and Miss Merlyn Lumagbas. They are the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Finishers.

After the race, I immediately went to the Run United Expo near the iMax Theater for the awarding ceremonies. In the awarding ceremony for the 10k category, Mr. Anthony Suntay and Miss Ria Tanjuatco-Trillo graced the stage to call out the well deserved winners in each of the running categories. I patiently waited for the announcement of the 10k Category winners. Shortly after the 10k Male and Female winners were called, I proceeded to go near the stage to take some pictures of them.

When the Male winners (The Kenyans) went down the stage, I followed them to ask for an interview and they willingly agreed. I was fortunate enough to be able to interview the three Kenyans who were the so called record setters of Run United 2. They were very nice to me and they are up to answer all my questions. Here's what they had to say about the Run United 2 Event.

There were also plenty of Booths in the Run United Expo. The runners were really enjoying themselves, getting plenty of freebies and doing different kinds of activities such as the Powerade Basketball Shooting Contest and Football Contest. It was a sight to behold as the runners and their loved ones enjoy the fun field activities that the organizers and the sponsors prepared for them.

While I was checking out the Booths, I took the opportunity to look for some runners whom I can interview. Luckily, I got 4 energetic people to interview. I asked them some important questions.

His name is Joseph Cano. He said that the event was okay. But, the weather didn't cooperate thus his speed was affected. He wasn't able to pace himself well. He also added that it was his 10th time to run. He started the sport of running when last September 2011. He graded the event 9/10 because he thinks that the event lacked road Markers. He noticed that because per Kilometer, he checks his time. He was confused about his time in the race. But he ended his interview saying that, Yes, Definitely I will run in the Run United 3 On September 2012. I was still happy with the turnout of this event.

He is Henry Eugenio, a 33 year-old runner. He introduced himself as a person who came from a family that has plenty of Diabetics. He said that the event was okay and that the most important part of the event was the marathon itself because it helps him become healthy. He rated the event 10/10, but he said that the lanes in some of the registration booths were slow to move because of the lack of personnels who are supposed to assist the runners.

You're looking at a cute couple- Anton and Gail. They celebrated Father's Day by running in the Run United 2. They were very happy and they looked satisfied with how the event happened. In fact, when I asked them to rate the event, they immediately said 10/10 without any tint of hesitation. They don't have any bad comment with regard to the event. They salute the organizers for a job well done.

Those are the things that my interviewees said. Overall, they are happy with how the event turned out, but some of them still has comments and suggestions that are meant to further improve the races in Run United. No detrimental effects intended. Well, for me, the things that I liked about the Run United 2 was the fact that majority of the runners that I saw in the event were all happy. For less than 1 thousand pesos they were able to enjoy their Sunday morning with their loved ones. They also got the opportunity to sweat their stress out and once again be more competitive and be more healthy thru the races. Not only that, they also met new friends and new running buddies. They have become part of the Running Community. Come all, Come one, that's what they say in the Running Community. They may not be 100 percent satisfied with how the event organizers planned Run United 2, but at the end of the day, the races will be more meaningful to them as it made them better persons in terms of being healthy, being friendly, and being more competitive. And also, they received a lot of freebies coming from the sponsors of the event in the Run United Expo. Thanks to all the exhibitors and sponsors. You all made this event a festive one.

With regard to my suggestion, I heard a lot of runners in the finisher shirts distribution were disappointed because of the medium shirts. They are saying that their sizes were not correct. That they are bigger than their usual size. Perhaps that's the only area where the Organizers of the event should revisit. They should see to it the the shirt sizes are all accurate so that the runners will be more satisfied.

If in case you're looking for the other winners, here's the complete list of winners of Run United 2 courtesy of Kwentototo.blogspot.com.

21k Male Category Winners
1st Place Dancan Samuel
2nd Place Benjamin Kipkazi
3rd Place Jackson Chirchir

21k Female Category Winners
1st Place Esther Kipserem
2nd Place Christabel Martes
3rd Place Aileen Breen

10k Male Category Winners
1st Place Elliud Kering
2nd Place David Kipsang
3rd Place Juluis Kimuge

10k Female Category Winners
1st Place Nhea Ann Barcena
2nd Place Genevieve De Lapena
3rd Place Merlyn Lumagbas

5k Male Category Winners
1st Place Allen Santiago
2nd Place Andy Pope
3rd Place Joseph Odhuno

5k Female Category Winners
1st Place Ana Jane Tamayo
2nd Place Catherine Bristol
3rd Place Miscelle Gilbuena

3k Male Category Winners
1st Place Micheal Bacong
2nd Place Wenlie Maulas
3rd Place Elquin John Quinto

3k Female Category Winners
1st Place Mercedita Fetalvero
2nd Place Miz De Vera
3rd Place Mary Grace Dela Torre

500m Female Category Winners 5-8 yrs old
1st Place Princess Tayrus
2nd Place Hannah Malilim
3rd Place Julianne Wednesday

500m Male Category Winners 5-8 yrs old
1st place Jerico Empreso
2nd Place Luigi Ballester
3rd Place Thomas Marco Perez

500m Male Category Winners 9-12 yrs old
1st Place Lee Andrie Alvarez
2nd Place Joshua Gonzalez
3rd Place Bertino Otinez

500m Female Category Winners 9-12 yrs old
1st Place Abby Viscara
2nd Place Allenase Castillo
3rd Place Angelie Froyalde

Overall, the event was a huge success. From 13,000 participants in Run United 1, the total number or runners becomes 14, 000. That's a big testament on how excellent Unilab Active Health and RunRio.Inc. planned to make this event ran this smooth. They did a great job in staging this 2nd Run United. I'm definitely hyped up for the Run United 3 on September 2012. See you there guys!