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Biggest Loser Finale Episode: Patrick House Wins $250000 Prize

The Biggest Loser 10th season has finally ended and the Patrick House won. He brought home the $250,000 prize.

The Final Four contestants were Patrick House who has a starting weight of 400 lbs., Elizabeth Ruiz who has a starting weight of 244 lbs., Frado Dinten who has a starting weight of 367 lbs., and Ada Wong who has a starting weight of 258 lbs.

The viewers all over USA chose Ada Wong to be in the Final 3, along with Patrick and Frado who have already entered the finals.

Prior to the Finals, the At-home prize (furnitures, gym accessories, etc.) was won by Mark Pinkhasovich. He had a 50% weight lost from his original weight. That is amazing!

Here comes the Finale weigh-ins. Frado, from having weighed 205 lbs, he now weighs 162 lbs. That is a 44% weight lost. Ada, meanwhile, from having weighed 159 pounds, she now weighs 99 lbs. That is a 38% weight lost. And finally, Patrick House, from having weighed 219 lbs., he now weighs only 189 lbs. That is a 47% weight lost.

That's it. After several weeks of shedding body fats and grueling workouts and appetite killer diets, Patrick House conquered the impossible.
