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Balangay Voyage Around The World: A Success Congratulations Philippines

The same team which conquered Mt. Everest has once again made an achievement as they conquered the high seas of South East Asia using the Philippine's own water transport, the Balangay where the concept of a Barangay came from. These Balangays, back in the olden times, were used to form small communities traveling from one place to another.

Now that we've conquered the Mt. Everest, no one can stop us from showing to the whole world that our very own Balangay can go on the high seas and travel the whole world.

The Balangay traveled from the Philippine seas to Vietnam, Mongolia, Myanmar, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Malaysia.

This only proves that what the Filipinos made, the Balangay, can traverse the seas with efficiency and with proper navigation from the Filipinos themselves.

Here's how the Balangay departed and arrived in the Philippines: